No-knead bread

So this is not an outfit post. Today I'll be taking about bread! 

The truth is - I love bread! I grew up eating bread with everything (my Mom 80% of the time made bread). Bread for breakfast. Bread for lunch. Bread for dinner. Bread for Nutella snacks. Or just bread on its own. 

 Even though I have cut on eating bread quite a bit (especially in the last year after I did Gluten Free diet for a year, but I still buy GF toast bread), I still enjoy it once in a while. 

So when my sister told me about this No-knead-bread recipe, it had to be tried. And try it I did. My taste buds rejoiced.  

If I can make it, so can you! 
Easy my friends, it's so easy and quite delicious!  It only requires four ingredients. And maybe a little patience, as it needs 14-20 hours of rising (I went with 18 hours).
Find the recipe here.

this is what mine turned out like

Baked it in the Dutch oven

Bon Appetit! 


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