"8 most worn" tag

This post is waaay overdue. Ever since Ella Pretty tagged me in the "8 most worn" I've been meaning to do this...but kept forgetting (I'm getting old ladies, getting old)

1) Most Worn Hair Product - I don't wear too many hair products. Most of the time I'll only use Redken thickening lotion. The Argan oil I use on my ends only...and not too much of it.

2) Most Worn Lip Product - Chapstick haha.  Ok, I mostly use MAC Angel and Creme d'Nude. I'm the nude lips kinda girl. 

3) Most Worn Earrings -  No matter how many different pair of earring I have I always end up wearing pearl earrings. I think they look so flattering on every.single.woman.  I lose them all the time though,  so I don't spend too much money on them. Otherwise I would buy real pearls.  Don't ask me how I lose them. The question is how do you not lose them? 

4) Most Worn Shirt - This might be a tough one.  I've worn this shirt from Target a lot lately...love it still and you might be seeing a lot more of it. :)

5) Most Worn Nailpolish - No matter how many nail polishes I own and how many different shades of pink I keep buying I tend to favor red nails. There is just something so polished AND sexy about red nails. My favorite right now is 'Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro in Cherry Fashion'.....(which I'm wearing today). You can see it here.  It does last longer than a day lol. I realized the importance of base coat/top coat.

6) Most Worn Shoe - Those who have been following my blog most likely already know the answer to this :)  Yes, my Sam Edelman OTK boots. Love 'em...it's no secret. 

7) Most Worn Perfume - Back in the day I used to wear perfume all.the.time.  Unfortunately, my allergies got worse and I'm allergic to many perfumes.  I love Mark Jacobs Daisy. I just wanted the rollerball perfume but my super awesome hubby surprised me with more than that. I've used the perfume only a few times. I carry the roller ball with me and use that more often. 

8) Most Worn Bag - Definitely this Coach bag I received from my Mr. (yes, the last three mentioned items were all bought by my Mr...total coincidence)

I tag the following lovely ladies:

cute & little
la vie petite
Love at first shoes
Petite early morning style
Teresa: life and style
The Classy Confidante

I think everyone should do this list...so if you haven't been tagged why not do it anyway. Let me know in the comments if you do the tag...I would love to read it :)


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