
I will say it once and I warn you I am going to say it about one million
more times. I am in love with London! Absolutely in love with this city.
Everywhere I turn, a new idea or some form of inspiration is thrown at my
face. My fashion classes are quite amazing, which is no wonder. So much
at my fingertips! I don't have class on Wednesdays so I have declared
this to be official "Bonnie exploring London" day.

Please excuse me for the lack of posts as of recently. I just started
school last week and you can imagine how busy I have been! It's quite funny
actually. I have been taking loads of outfit photos, but I just simply have not had
any time to post them. So now that things have calmed down, expect many
more soon. Above are my Topshop booties, and probably my
favorite thing I have acquired so far.

On a side note- I went to Edinburgh, Scotland to celebrate my
21st birthday and had the most wonderful time! The city is so
gorgeous, and I was fascinated by its rich history and ancient
buildings. A few of my favorites from the trip are below.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and best of luck for this
week to come.

All of the buildings are so gorgeous and old.

gorgeous cathedral in Edinburgh. I have been so many, but its still not enough.

beautiful greenery!

wearing: vintage blazer, AA dress, topshop booties & tights


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