I made it!

Walking through Merrion Square, where the Oscar Wilde Museum is

In front of Merrion Square

Pretty flowers in Merrion Square

In front of Oscar Wilde's old home

cute cafe where we had lunch

My first topshop experience hehe (I'm a nerd for taking a photo, I know)

First topshop purchases! (soon to come)

gorgeous sunset over River Liffy

Say hello to uber-tourist Bonnie. I can't help myself... I feel the need to photograph
everything! I'm in Dublin and really loving this city. Aside from these places pictured
above, I've been to the Ireland museum of art, National Ireland history museum,
The book of Kell museum, Dublin castle, shopped Grafton street, a Ghost tour, Pubs, parks and
more that I can't remember (or might have been too jet-lagged to remember). This
little holiday in Ireland (I've figured out that people here call it holiday
not vacation hehe) has been nice so far. Tomorrow it's castles all day long.

Wearing this simple outfit with comfortable shoes today was definitely a great
choice. I walked around SO much today. My feet feel like they are going
to fall off despite these comfy flats I wore. The fashion here is so inspiring,
I'm always walking around wide-eyed. Hopefully I don't look like a wierdo.

Anyways... more updates to come soon hopefully! i'll be here in Dublin
until Monday. Then it's off to London. ^_^

wearing: target cardigan; f21 tank; aldo flats; nordstrom tights, scarf.


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